Melting Pot

I had the pleasure of working at a school the other day, that I can describe as nothing less than a beautiful picture pulled straight from the pages of a united colors of benetton ad.   The children of all races, from many different cultural and economic backgrounds; playing happily together on the playground; negotiating…

Making the Effort

Much of what makes this world a better place requires a little extra effort to make a change in our daily routines.  Yet, once you have made the change the new solution actually saves you time, money and trips to the doctor.  Taking care of ourselves, our planet and each other requires us to change…

Creative Bond

I have been noticing lately, the power of creativity to bring people together.  Strangers, neighbors, coworkers and classmates.  There is a calmless that comes over people when they are creating that allows them to ease into conversation, sit comfortably next to strangers, connect at a deep level of joy and to sit back and relax…

Hive Mentality

I love bees.  Cannot get enough interaction with them. I believe we can learn so much from them.  In the hive everyone has a job, everyone works toward the common goals of the group and everyone pulls their weight.  They take it so much further than that though.  Think about the day in the life…


I watched the documentary on the life of Amy Winehouse today and left with such a feeling of profound sadness of what humans do to one another because of fame.  The violations of privacy on an unspeakable scale, that are thrust upon talented artists.  As if by the presence of their talent, they must surrender…

Gifting from the Heart

Gifting from the heart means being conscious of the receiver and yourself.  Giving gifts makes most of us feel really great and receiving them can be just as wonderful, yet we sometimes let the “should trap” take all of that joy away by giving outside of our means and from a place of obligation not…


Our homes, our nests…say so much about who we are and what we value.  From the decor, to the temperature, to the lighting, to the amount of time we spend in them alone or surrounded by guests.  Personally, I am a flock creature.  If I could have my entire flock (friends, family, neighbors) eating, drinking,…

Birds of a Feather

This has been a week of teams, both my own and watching others in action.  Teamwork, group work takes practice and tools.  It’s also one thing we are never really taught.  Think back to when you were in school, you were often told break into groups and complete task “x”, but do you ever remember…


Throughout our lives there are constants.   People we know, that no matter how far away we go or how long we are gone, when we see each other again, it’ll be like we never left.  For many people it’s their family, for others their childhood friends, for still others their neighbors, coworkers and roommates.…