Making the Effort

Much of what makes this world a better place requires a little extra effort to make a change in our daily routines.  Yet, once you have made the change the new solution actually saves you time, money and trips to the doctor.  Taking care of ourselves, our planet and each other requires us to change the status quo, to create new habits, new routines and new ways of interacting.  For so long we have lived on the “live fast and easy” route. LIVING IN A DISPOSABLE CULTURE and that’s exactly what it has become.  Where has that route gotten us?  We live on a planet that will sustain life for only 200 more years if we are lucky.  The only way to lengthen the fate of the living planet is to change our ways.

Here are simple things you can do to extend, improve and secure the lives of our grandchildren and great grandchildren.  Without stepping up and doing these things they will not have a future and their lives will be very different from the ones we know, technology can’t save them from this.  So take the steps,  make the changes, save time, money and good health in the end.

  1. Stop using disposable products. Use real dishes, cups, water bottles, and silverware or anything that can be reused again and again.  Using paper plates, cups etc appears to save time but….


No washing dishes


Extends clean up time at the table

Adds time taking out and bagging trash

Adds time picking it up all over your house and yard (people are far more careless with trash than dishes)

Requires taking a trip to the store to buy it and it costs ALOT more.

Requires more trips to the dump.

Takes up storage space in your cabinets

Teaches your kids to become part of a throw away culture.

By the time you add gas, time and trash fees to those disposable products to they are exorbitantly expensive.

2. Cook real food at home.  We only know packaged foods are convenient but…


Ready quick when you are in a hurry or had a long day.


Most often contain high sodium, fat , additives and preservatives and unrecognizable synthetic ingredients that lead to illness.

Usually costs more than the ingredients to make your own version of the same dish.  Which you  can make in large batches and freeze.

Encourages your family to rush through mealtimes which is neither healthy, nor great for family connection.

Food from a box never tastes as good, as food made with fresh local ingredients.


3. Technology for the sake of technology.  We all love gadgets, but do we always need to latest, greatest version of the new ianything?  Too much technology leads to..

Fewer face to face conversations= less human connection which we need to maintain our emotional health

Extensive exposure to tech can cause issues, read here…


Large amounts of hard earned money wasted on replacing technology that isn’t broken.  You’d never spend $500 to replace a washing machine that works perfectly, why do it with your phone, tablet etc.


4. Cleaning products, antibacterial everything… go simple and old school.  Soap and hot water, white vinegar and baking soda…

5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Rediscover and Regift