Right vs Privilege


We have to remember when assessing our lives, our successes, what we are entitled to or the word that is always thrown around what we “deserve”.  


There is a huge difference between our rights and privileges.  They are very different.  


Rights are given; privileges are earned, through choices, actions, words and hard work.  I see so many people forgetting that last part “earned”. 



As we fight for equal rights for all, which I believe should be had.  Let us not confuse rights and privileges. 



It is your right to receive an education, it is a privilege to be an honor student (you earn that through hard work and dedication to your studies)


You have a right to attend a public event, it is a privilege to be allowed to stay at said event, (earned by adhering to the expected conduct and social behavior expected of said event. By the choices you make)


You have a right to your own voice.  It is a privilege to have your voice heard by millions and become respected and an authority in your field. (It is earned through hard work and perseverance)


WE NEED BOTH or we have no bar to set for ourselves, nothing to strive for, no purpose.  And ONLY YOU can earn those privileges, you cannot expect anyone to do it for you.   You cannot blame anyone but yourself for not achieving them. Privileges push humans to become better, stronger and more enlightened.   They help us strive to improve not only our own quality of life, but the lives of others around us through our work, our message and our example. 







that which is morally correct, just, or honorable.


2. a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way.




1. a benefit that is given to some people and not to others


2.  a special opportunity to do something that makes you proud