Single Party

It is time for the single party system.   The system that does what every Politician says they intend to do.  When we break down the messages to their basics, they are promising the same things.  Safety, security, hope for the future and a well run, well balanced government that rewards good citizens for working hard and being contributing Americans.  Yet somewhere along the way it became about rivalry, about one team winning, as if our government is some trophy to be won and held above others heads for four years.

It is time to have a single party system, The Human Party.  The one where human life is the priority, where fear is not used to control people, where we all work together to heal the wounds we have carved so deeply into our world.  It is time to say goodbye to anger, fear, violence and destruction.

It is time to say “Hello!” to joy, peace, compassion and rebuilding together.

These battles over who is right, who owns things, who is in power really solve nothing, they build ego that is all.  There are no real benefits to them, because they exist in a circle: lather, rinse, repeat…

But one party created to truly benefit humanity around the world, that I can get behind.  What is everyone really fighting for?  Imagine for just a moment what life would be like if the amazing disaster relief aide that pops up in times of need was every day.  If we truly respected everyone’s right to just be themselves without judgement and we did it side by side.   I think we are all swept up in the biggest natural disaster ever; fear, anger and hate have filled our lives.

We need to band together not to fight but to care.  I am not naive, I do not believe this can happen in one day, one election or from the acts of one woman.  BUT I will not stop trying, I will not stop joining people together and you have the power to do the same.

Every political candidate has the power to start now.  You have been nominated.  If you win make real change towards joining the parties together, toward healing our international relations and towards supporting the sick, mentally ill, lost and lonely folks at home that seek belonging and purpose.

I leave you with an example if you would like to dig deeper and look for a model for this work, because it will be work.  The most satisfying work you will ever do.