Food and Friendship

There is nothing equal to a great meal shared with friends and family.  The sense of comfort and peace that the sharing of a meal brings forth.  I can feel the emotions take hold the moment I begin to prep such a gathering, every ingredient that joins the meal is filled with the energy and excitement of social connection of just “being” together.  The size of the meal does not ever seem to change the connections we feel.  There is just something about eating together that soothes the “human” beast.  I never hear my guests complain or argue, they just sit with each and listen and hear and laugh and love.   I feel this same energy when I go to someone else’s home for a gathering.    I can immediately feel the genuine, gracious planning that went into every choice that happened in the moments before the guests arrived.  The care taken with seating and circles, I love circles.  There is nothing better than a beautiful group of folks sitting, conversing, dining and just being in a circle.  May we all remember that it’s not scale or pomp & circumstance that makes the event a success, it’s you and the fact that you have opened your home to others and invited them in to just be themselves and be together.